Letter from the Publisher

2014-02-MarAprKudos to VDOT! When my alarm went off at 5:30 am on February 13th, my wife said to “relax, we have a foot of snow outside.” I was at my desk at 9:30 that morning and truly impressed with the job of our area snow teams to bring us safe roads so quickly. Thanks!

Spring is here, and with it comes the job of refurbishing, rebuilding and home improvement projects. In our “No-Show, Home-Show” section, we give you a few names of selected home improvement professionals to consider if you’re planning any home improvements.

Martin Fuller sees lots of diamonds and other jewels—a different way. Often sought out by the Smithsonian for his expertise, he appraised the Hope Diamond and Madeleine Albright’s pin collection. A great story by Gale Curcio. Thanks Gale.

Nia Tavlarides Stratos works magic with colors. We love her work—we hope you enjoy it too.

Stroke survivor Allison O’Reilly’s story is a must read for everyone. Keith Loria spent some time with her and brings us the tale of surviving and coming back. Thank you Allison and Keith.

Smile and say “Cheese” says Allison. She brings us the many flavors of the Mediterranean basin.

New developments everywhere, Harris Teeter in Falls Church, Arbor Row in Tysons and so many others. Navid, Gale and Marcia on the beat. Exciting stuff.

We added a section for our friends in Falls Church. “The Little City” has so many wonderful small and interesting shops, we gave them a few pages to entice you. Stop by and say hi.

Cindy, Keith, Richard, Judy, Jessie, Amy, Linda, Lauren, Hillary and Gale give us so much more this issue, they never cease to amaze us with some interesting reading.

We hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you. Our thanks to our many new advertisers and contributors that makes this community adventure possible. Women rule at VivaTysons. (And I imagine everywhere else too). Lucky me, I get to work with so many true professionals…mostly all women.

Enjoy the Spring. Cheers!

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