Beauty Spotlight: Carolyn Delaney

Name and occupation. Carolyn Delaney, Sr. Account Executive at Arch Mortgage Insurance What is your biggest beauty splurge that you deem necessary? My passion is fashion and unique, quality clothing! Friends and customers joke and say, “I’ve know you [...]

Breezy Button Downs

Button-downs are such a wardrobe staple, whether it’s a work look or go-to for a casual social event.  July can be a hot month to endure being buttoned up in one, though, so here are some breezy styles that [...]

Growing Beauty Trends

Beauty trends come and go, but some stand the test of time and become beauty staples for the average female. Here are some trends you may or may not know about, only time will tell if they stick around! [...]

Undo the Damage

Medspa treatments can reverse some of the sun’s harmful effects on your skin Ultraviolet light from the sun damages skin and causes age spots, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, enlarged pores, broken capillaries and dryness and contributes to rosacea, acne and spider [...]

6 Ways to Control Your Portion Size

Forget the magic recipes and theme diets, the “no-fail” food combinations guaranteed to shrink your waistline. And, forget the cabbage soup.  These may work, but they ignore the simple truth or principle of weight loss. Which is: Burn more [...]

Hair Care Routines for All Ages

Our bodies don’t stop changing after puberty: They’re constantly evolving and adapting to age. While there are plenty of advantages to growing older, some of the physical signs are a little less welcome. Our hair in particular is [...]

Beauty Spotlight: Audrey Smith

Name and occupation. Audrey Smith, Financial Analyst at MITRE What is your biggest beauty splurge that you deem necessary? High quality face creams and makeup. I wish I had realized in my 20s how important it is to moisturize, [...]

Meal Kit Takeover

Since they started arriving on doorsteps about six years ago, the popularity of meal kit services has soared. Meal kits now constitute a $5 billion market, with more companies entering the marketplace every day.

Showing 141 to 150 of 178 results