Shepherd’s Center Honors Volunteers

Hawaiian theme provided the color for an early April afternoon dedicated to the scores of volunteers that support the mission of the Shepherd’s Center of Oakton and Vienna. Hosted by Our Lady of Good Counsel, the 90+ volunteers in attendance enjoyed a great meal from Maggio’s and Purple Onion Catering and entertaining music from Hawaii State Society Ukulele Hui.

In comments offered before lunch, Vienna Mayor Laurie DiRocco thanked the volunteers “for making the community what it is, and for all you do.” Delegate Mark Keam acknowledged that SCOV is “about selfless giving” and mentioned that it’s the “little touches that go a long way.” Mike Collins of US Congressman Gerry Connelly’s office read a statement to be entered into the Congressional Record of the great work that SCOV does and mentioned that the National Volunteer Caregiving Network has named SCOV as the 2014 Outstanding Volunteer Caregiving Program.

Last year, 237 volunteers contributed 11,830 hours to 387 clients for all the different activities and services provided. That includes transportation, their greatest demand for which they provided 2000 roundtrip rides to doctor appointments, grocery visits, and other travel needs.

As the program stated, “Mahalo to our volunteers.” 

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