Live Performances you can experience from the comfort and safety of your car
Online Auditions will be held via submissions to Instagram.
The Alden in McLean proudly presents “Drive-Thru Drama,” a new model of live theatre in the era of COVID-19. “Drive-Thru Drama” is a social-distancing theater format that allows people to enjoy a live theater performance from the safety and comfort of their own cars. Scheduled performances are from 6-8 p.m. over two weekends, Friday-Sunday, July 3-5 and July 10-12. A limited number of timed tickets will be available through The Alden’s website two-weeks prior to the show’s opening. The Alden is a division of the McLean Community Center (MCC) and is located at 1234 Ingleside Ave. Please note: Performance dates may change if Virginia Governor Northam’s Stay at Home Order is not lifted by early-June; check the theater’s website, for updates.
“Drive-Thru Drama” is the brainchild of The Alden’s Director of Youth Theatre Programs Danielle Van Hook. “Like so many, I was missing live performance and knew there had to be a way to safely produce a non-virtual show,” said Van Hook. “Nothing replaces the feeling of sitting with your neighbors in The Alden, but I hope this helps bring a little respite away from the screens and returns a level of normalcy to people’s lives.”
The show will be the debut performance of “Small Change,” a play written and directed by Andrew Scott Zimmer. Commissioned by The Alden, “Small Change” follows the travels of a $1 bill as it journeys through time and space, interacting with different people’s lives and leaving its mark on the world. Actors will perform one, cohesive story through short monologues at various stations in the center’s parking lot. Audience members will be directed to drive the route from actor to actor.
The Alden is looking for a diverse group of actors to perform in the show. Priority will be given to actors who live, go to school or work in the MCC tax district (Small District 1A-Dranesville). There are no age or gender requirements in the script, but all actors must be 14 years old or older. To audition, must submit their casting form and a recorded video monologue from the show on Instagram using the hashtag: #thealdendrivethrudrama. The casting form and monologue for auditionees to perform will be provided on Actors must upload and tag their audition videos and submit the casting form by Monday, June 15.
The Alden is placing several safety precautions into place to adhere to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions’ COVID-19 guidelines such as requiring the actors to wear personal protective equipment and setting up the route so that actors are positioned six feet away from the cars and passengers.
For more information visit: or call 703-790-0123, TTY: 711. For ADA accommodations, contact Patron Services Manager Evelyn Hill at or call 571-296-8385.
About The Alden
Built in 1975, the 383-seat Robert Ames Alden Theatre, “The Alden,” is a cultural resource for the citizens of McLean and the Washington Metropolitan area that presents a full professional season of interdisciplinary and high-quality performances, lectures and educational programs for audiences of all ages. The Alden is ADA-compliant and will make arrangements for accommodations. To request this information in an alternate format, call 703-790-0123, TTY: 711, or visit: