5 Questions With Speed Painter Tim Decker, special guest at the Stroke Comeback Center’s 10th Anniversary Gala

World renowned speed painter Tim Decker will be the special guest at the Stroke Comeback Center’s 10th Anniversary Gala celebrating “The Art of Communicating,” on Thursday, Oct. 30 at the USA Today Building, 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean.about_tim

The Stroke Comeback Center is a community based non-profit organization that provides programs for stroke and brain injury survivors. Dinner and reception cost $175, reception-only is $75. The proceeds of the event will go to the SCC Scholarship Fund.

I caught up with Decker on a break from painting his latest masterpiece.

Q: What will you be doing at this event? What sort of art can people expect?

Decker: I will be performing three paintings which will be up for auction at the event. Guests can expect a high-impact, unique experience and the subjects of the paintings are kept a secret to keep the excitement of not knowing what will come next.

Q: How did you become a speed painter?

Decker: I became a speed painter about six years ago. I literally had a dream I was doing this and woke up the next day and did it. I had no prior art background and within a week I quite a successful job in advertising to pursue a career as a performance artist. It quickly became my passion and I absolutely love what I do.


Q: Your show is more than just about art—it’s a full interactive performance. Why is that important for you?

Decker: I want the guests to love the show. The more I connect with the crowd, the more receptive they will be to what I am doing. I don’t want to be a guy who just paints. I want to create an entire experience for the audience.

Q: You are known for creating many celebrity works—from Hulk Hogan to John Lennon—who is the hardest to do?


Decker: Every face is different. Some people have really great features to work with and some are harder to capture. I can’t think of anyone difficult off=hand but people with a lot of well known features are my favorite to paint.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about being a speed painter?

Decker: Traveling the world and making people smile. If people leave my show happy, I did my job.

To see Decker live in action, and help out a great cause in the process, purchase tickets to the event at strokecomebackcenter.org or call 703-255-5221.

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