Viva Nanofractional Radiofrequency with SmartScan Technology
It seems that every few months there is a new device that promises the fountain of youth for aging skin. Some of them work and some of them don’t. I try everything on the market on myself, my staff and willing volunteers to weed the ineffective ones out. One of my new favorite devices is called the Venus Viva. The Viva device allows us to obtain the results of full face laser resurfacing without the downtime and risks. It’s like getting a CO2, Erbium, Fraxel and VBeam laser all in one. Typically dermatological procedures are designed to resurface skin by tissue ablation, are very painful, and require sedation anesthesia or nerve blocks to perform. Moreover, there is usually a prolonged healing time. In addition, traditional Fraxel and laser treatments target the skin’s surface causing damage in order to signal the skin to repair itself.
Unlike these devices, the Viva uses patented nanofractional radiofrequency and SmartScan technology to deliver energy to the dermis. This generates heat in a controlled manner to initiate skin change, rebuilding collagen and fibroblast stimulation, all resulting in tissue remodeling. The Viva system achieves results with minimal discomfort and very little to no downtime. State-of-the-art patented tip allows for a depth of penetration up to 500 microns and provides varying energy densities, enabling simultaneous ablation of the epidermis and coagulation of the dermis area resulting in skin resurfacing with minimal pain.
It treats everything from fine lines and wrinkles to skin laxity, tone and texture, large pores, hyperpigmentation (even melasma), acne scarring, redness/rosacea and age spots. It sounds too good to be true, but it really works!
What is a Venus Viva treatment like?
A topical anesthetic is applied to clean skin for about 45 minutes. 99% of our patients don’t feel a thing. Occasionally the feeling of warmth or a quick pinch can be sensed. We give our patients a cold air chiller to keep them comfortable. The treatment itself only takes about 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.
What kind of results can I expect from a Venus Viva treatment?
You can expect mild to moderate redness and minimal swelling of the treated areas. The redness should stop after a few hours, and the swelling should go down within 12-24 hours. Very small pin point dots that are left by the electrode pins are easily covered with makeup. These will naturally exfoliate in a few days, but are barely noticeable.
Venus Viva treatments are most effective when done as a series of treatments. We recommend 6 treatments about 4 weeks apart. Once the treatment course is completed, results continue to develop and improve over 6-9 months. This is because it takes the collagen and elastin cells that long to regenerate. We often combine the Viva treatments with other procedures on the same day such as Venus Freeze, facial fillers, Botox and Vibradermabrasion. The end result is firmer, more even toned, radiant skin.
“I’m so impressed with how my skin looks now! I want to get more treatments because the results are to good!” – R.J.
Dr. Dima Ali
WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine
1801 Robert Fulton Dr., Suite 540
Reston, VA 20191