Austin-Weston Open House at Westwood Country Club

Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery had their open house at the Westwood Country Club last November. Over 100 attendees enjoyed passed hors d’oeuvres and beverages during Dr. George Weston’s and Dr. Robert Sigal’s educational presentation. The presentation detailed the remarkable patient studies and transformations that the surgeons at Austin-Weston are able to achieve. The before and after photos were a true testament to the natural-looking results the doctors strive to attain. “You don’t want to look different, you want to look like yourself—just younger,” said Dr. Sigal. Once patients are committed to go through with the surgery, the doctors come up with the highly personalized plan. If it is a facelift, they address the face as a whole, as they commented that nothing looks worse or more unnatural than doing just half your face.


With their combined 75 years of experience in the very select niche of cosmetic plastic surgery, Dr. Weston, Dr. Sigal, Dr. Byron Poindexter and Dr. Christopher Knotts are experts in their field due to the hundreds of cases they perform over the course of one year. “When you choose a plastic surgeon, you don’t want a doctor that has done the procedure a few times before—you want a doctor that has done the procedure hundreds of times before,” said Dr. Weston. And in their case, they have done the procedures so repetitively that they have perfected their craft to a higher level of refinement than other cosmetic surgeons.

If you have an interest in attending their next open house or would like a complimentary consultation, you can visit or call (703) 893-6168.

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